Dear Gentleman and Gentilhomme, over the years the phenomenon of “tailoring” is losing the value that has characterized it since its discovery – between the 17th and 18th centuries – leaving space for “new fashions”, certainly dissociated from taste and aesthetics that reflect, on the contrary, the absolute values for classic and old-fashioned men like us.
Certainly, the modern phenomena of mass media and the strong marketing push have done nothing but highlight these modern ways of dressing to the detriment of what we care about most; and it is precisely for this reason that Sartoria Gallo has decided to open a blog aimed at bringing together young elegance researchers and providing interesting technical ideas to those who are already in the sector, with the hope that tailoring can be an element of common knowledge and no longer an area that is too sectorial and unknown.
Over the weeks, topics related to the history of the sartorial phenomenon will be proposed, along with advice on how to behave in an atelier, technical excursus on the various elements of the sartorial garment and curiosities specific to the subject. All this will be surrounded by photographs and historical finds related to our centuries-old artisan activity: and who can pursue this noble goal if not a tailor's shop itself?